Doris Uhlich
Come Back Again
SUN site specific
In Ordnung
melancholic ground
Gootopia – The Treatment

Habitat / Herrenhausen
KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen
for the performance Habitat as part of the KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen in Hanover.
The KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen and choreographer Doris Uhlich are looking for people (with and without dance experience) from Hanover and the surrounding area who would like to become part of the choreography for the performance Habitat.
All abilities, all genders, all ages! Every Body Welcome!
We are looking for people of all ages (18+) and backgrounds with an interest in movement. We are interested in a wide variety of genders and abilities.
As in previous pieces (including MORE THAN NAKED, EVERY BODY ELECTRIC and SEISMIC DANCER), the naked body is central to Habitat. Habitat shows the naked body in its strength and fragility. To electronic sounds and techno tracks, the participants celebrate their unity and diversity. As individuals and as a group they simultaneously conquer space in a performance that is captivating, highly energetic, and at times collectively at peace with itself. Habitat transcends conventional notions of the body, dance and nudity in a subversive way. It goes beyond conventional ideals of beauty. Habitat is a utopian anthem. The series has already been developed and performed in various cities in Europe and will have its next stop in Hanover within the Royal Garden. Each Habitat is unique and is inspired by the architecture and history of the place.
Obligatory attendance at all dates is a prerequisite for participation:
Rehearsals, including breaks:
Saturday, 17th May 14:00-19:00
Sunday, 18th May 12:00-19:00
Monday, 19th May 16:00-21:30
Tuesday, 20th May 16:00-21:30
Wednesday, 21th May 16:00-21:30
Thursday, 22th May 16:00-21:30
Friday, 23th May 16:00-21:30 (Final Rehearsal)
Performance days:
Saturday, 24th May 15:30-20:30 (Show starts 18:30)
Sunday, 25th May 16:30-20:30 (Show starts 18:30)
Important Notes
All participants are required to be nude at the dress rehearsal and the two performances (not at all rehearsals).
The performances and the majority of the rehearsals will be outdoor.
THERE IS NO ROOM FOR VOYERISM! An exclusion can be made by the responsible persons (coaches and team) at any time. There is a ban on photography and filming during rehearsals for all participants and external parties.
During the dress rehearsal and the performances of Habitat/Herrenhausen, photos and videos will be taken by an internal photographer for press and documentation purposes. Recordings will only be published after consultation and with the consent of the respective participants.
The KunstFestSpiele awareness team accompanies the rehearsals and performances and can be contacted at any time.
Expense allowance
Each participant receives a compensation of 200€ for the entire production.
Each participant will receive a free ticket for one of the two performances and the opportunity to purchase several tickets with a discount.
Each participant hereby stats that he*her has a valid liabilty insurance and a personal accident insurance. Participation in the Habitat project is voluntary, self-responsible and at the own risk of the participants.
Each participant is responsible for their own social security contribution, taxes or duties.
Are you interested in participating in this production?
Then please send the following information by email with the subject Habitat to until 21st of February 2025.
Phone number
City of residence
2 photos: one portrait and one full body photo (not nude)
Interests (private and/or professional)
We will let you know by 10th of March 2025 if you have been selected to participate in the project.
Information about the festival KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen: